Mar 28, 2021
We started reviewing a transcript today of an episode of the podcast, The Alan Watts Audio Experience titled, “The Mind Will Do What It Wants”. We started an excellent discussion of intuitive knowing and making decisions without overthinking.
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Mar 22, 2021
Another description of learning to be the witness to life; allowing the Tao to work in our lives without obstruction.
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Mar 14, 2021
Fantastic conversation! We see in this reading how we can approach compliments with humility and yet miss the mark with envy.
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Mar 10, 2021
Sensei Michael Elliston shares his thoughts on the 7th verse of the Tao Te Ching from a Zen perspective. Much discussion around the idea of fulfilling our needs through helping someone else.
Order Sensei Elliston’s new book;
Mar 1, 2021
This story not only shows the need for humility but how humility is found. The story then shows us a description of enlightenment and not to take ourselves so seriously (Rule 62).
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