Jul 24, 2020
All opposites cause the inverse. The way to the middle is through impartiality - being open to another's ideas and considering their opinion. When we honor others in this way, we can see both sides in light of the Tao.
Join our private Facebook group and continue the conversation! Here is the link; https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaoPodcast/ or search Tao of Our understanding Podcast.
Zen Home Meditation Training https://www.aszc.org/sitting-with-sensei
Meetings during the pandemic;
1 pm EDT Mon-Fri - Direct Link: www.DailyRecoveryMeeting.com
9 pm EDT Nightly 7 Days a Week - Direct Link; www.ZoomAAMeetings.com (You must log in to a free zoom.us account for authentication to attend this meeting)
Would You like to receive a free daily topic email with the most popular AA resources, accompanied by a secret Facebook group for discussion? Go to www.DailyAAEmails.com for more information!
www.DailyAAEmails.com also includes a list of recovery podcasts and recovery resources!
Are you interested in listening to sober meditations, where a thought is shared per meditation that helped the meditator with their recovery? Here is a link to a 100% free app called Sober Meditations or search Sober Meditations in both Apple and Google App Stores.
Here are two google calendars you might like. One is a daily thought that is a mix of Christian, ACIM, Tao, and AA thoughts, one per day, and the other is A Course In Miracles calendar of the daily lessons throughout the year.
Thought for the Day; https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=M203cHZkbXQ0ZjRzOHRmNnI4ZjJpdmt2YmdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ