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Tao of Our understanding Alcohol Recovery Podcast

Like the Tao, we are everywhere...

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Apr 28, 2023

Izzy approaches the Higher Power from a slightly different perspective from a strong Orthodox Jewish heritage. I hope you enjoy Izzy's story! 

We are taking a break from the weekly group meeting and interviewing some past participants, Facebook group members, and a few authors. If your recovery has been enhanced by Taoist text, don't hesitate to contact us and share your experience!

Here are some of the questions we tackle;

1. Background; Where from, vocation, family, a picture of your life then and now.

2. Has your view of the H.P. changed since you started your recovery journey? How similar is your present H.P. to the one you grew up with?

3. Why does the Tao speak to you? How do you see your relationship with the Tao? What is the Tao to you?

4. Do you have a favorite Tao verse or quote?

5. Do you recommend any Tao podcasts other than this one?

6. Any Tao-related books or devotionals?

Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting;,1988,1996,2004/section:46

Nightly 9 pm eastern Zoom A.A. Meeting

 Don't forget to use the resources mentioned below for tools to stay sober any time during the year. You can find a much longer list of resources at

30 Tools to Stay Sober;

Info on the new book, Powerless But Not Helpless, the free daily Tao Recovery Email, Sensei Elliston's new book, a list of podcasts, and much more;

Zen Home Meditation Training

Join our private Facebook group and continue the conversation! Here is the link; or search Tao of Our understanding Podcast.

Would you like to receive a free daily topic email with the most popular A.A. resources, accompanied by a secret Facebook group for discussion? Go to for more information!